Ardonan Lake Lodge
Before you decide on an arrival flight, you should take into account the updated transportation costs. Since COVID, the costs for a personalized pickup service have increased significantly!
No matter which airline you arrive with, we strongly recommend that you book the "Fast Track" option (~10€) for the return flight and arrive at the airport three hours before the scheduled departure time. Currently, there is a shortage of personnel for security checks at Dublin Airport, more so than at other European airports, which leads to longer queues at the terminal entrances.
Indicated prices (as of 2023/04/29 - without guarantee - may be subject to change)
Before you decide on an arrival flight, you should take into account the updated transportation costs. Since COVID, the costs for a personalized pickup service have increased significantly!
No matter which airline you arrive with, we strongly recommend that you book the "Fast Track" option (~10€) for the return flight and arrive at the airport three hours before the scheduled departure time. Currently, there is a shortage of personnel for security checks at Dublin Airport, more so than at other European airports, which leads to longer queues at the terminal entrances.
Indicated prices (as of 2023/04/29 - without guarantee - may be subject to change)
Our transport recommendations
Fast, comfortable, and versatile
Before you decide on an arrival flight, you should take into account the updated transportation costs. Since COVID, the costs for a personalized pickup service have increased significantly!
No matter which airline you arrive with, we strongly recommend that you book the "Fast Track" option (~10€) for the return flight and arrive at the airport three hours before the scheduled departure time. Currently, there is a shortage of personnel for security checks at Dublin Airport, more so than at other European airports, which leads to longer queues at the terminal entrances.
Indicated prices (as of 2023/04/29 - without guarantee - may be subject to change)